The Sustainable Network is a global recruitment, funding and innovation platform for start-ups, businesses and inventors to connect with financing, investors and innovation partners and to recruit executive & non-executive directors, advisers and consultants that share the same mission of building a sustainable future.
Start-ups and businesses looking to recruit executive & non-executive directors, consultants and advisers can search the network or have our platform make suggestions. Candidates can search and find appointments suited to your desires or have our platform make personalised recommendations.
Disclaimer: Any person accessing this website and considering potential investment opportunities should make their own commercial assessment of an investment opportunity after seeking the advice of an appropriately authorised or regulated financial advisor. This website should not be construed as advice or a personal recommendation to any prospective investor.
This is intended only for Professional, High Net Worth and Sophisticated Investors.
To be eligible to receive information and discuss any project or opportunity offered, all prospective investors will need to categorise themselves accordingly by qualifying as either Professional, Certified High Net Worth Individuals or Self-Certified Sophisticated Investor.
Sustainable Times will not be held responsible for any actions taken after using this site.